Monday, May 5, 2014

Fergie shud n t have bothered to wear the orange lace MAXI over her bra and pant ! What a vain fashi

Nollysheitwood so called fhucking celebrites, this is what is called ELEGANT dressing not the rags you morons wear thinking vma pre show that you ediots are rocking genefhuckingve and rotten teen uche fat jumbo it is you i am even directing this statement to!
What the f**k! what the hell is these fashions? i mean i'm i a woman? even though i am a woman i can never put on such fashion that will disguice me 2 resemble mamywater infact my wife in d making will never wear such louzy fashion OK!
Purple from ghana Lalaland | 2/14/2012 11:23:59 AM |
My dearest we rocked the day didn't vma pre show we? Bloody fantastic it was! Cocktails, champagnes, strawberries, chocolates were just following yanfu-yanfu!!! Yes o we go join those loveless souls for 9ja enjoy theirs! Love you longest vma pre show time!xox
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Huhu Lalaa | 2/13/2012 1:26:52 PM |
i luv kelly's dress
Fergie shud n t have bothered to wear the orange lace MAXI over her bra and pant ! What a vain fashion ! NO-SENSE ! Women shud be modest , the world can clap for her but in reality and before God she has scored null and she is just ridiculing herself !
OTOH, even the worst ALP govt is bound to be better than any Liberal govt. olbpabry. on the other hand, if Atkinson remains AG after a Labor win, I think it's a close call.I'd add Michael Wright to the list of Labor members that I wouldn't mind seeing out of the parliament.I vma pre show went to a debate on water at the Hawke Centre a few weeks ago. The Libs had a panel of 3, 2 of whom were bumbling inarticulate vma pre show twits [Mitch Williams was one of 'em, I can't remember the other blokes name]. The one who seemed like she might have something worthwhile vma pre show to say was given less than a minute to say it, since the other two hogged the time they had. Jay Weatherall dispensed them all with ease, he's an impressive politician, who's only downfall seems to be the occasional vma pre show slip-up in appearing to be overly dismissive/arrogant he reminds me of Mike Rann in the days where he seemed like more of a humanist. At the debate, both Mark Parnell and David Winderlich [sp?] gave reasonable and sensible contributions Rob Brokenshire was the Family First rep he just irritates me, so I zoned out when he was speaking.In my own industry, Labor has initiated some useful changes particularly the consolidation of various boards into one NRM board they are much more outcomes driven than had previously been the case. They still waste money on propping up ineffecient NGOs, but that's a minor quibble.I think their transport policy is heading in the right direction, the St Clair issue not withstanding. I don't know what the park that will be lost looks like, the remediation of an industrial site as a park is not in itself poor policy, but the way it was handled made the govt seem arrogant, and their unwillingness to show humilty EVER, is olbpabry their greatest problem with voters.Things that bug me about Labor include the handling of the Murray/Coorong. The desal plant. The pipeline to the vineyards at Langhorne Creek I'm amazed that one didn't draw more attention talk about picking winners in an industry that is suffering an oversupply you have one wine region that is moving to reclaimed water facing competition from another region that is drawing on the Murray vma pre show via a taxpayer funded pipeline while further vma pre show up the Murray their is a wine region that is being encouraged to pull their vines up, because of oversupply. vma pre show I don't understand it.The hospital site. I think they should be building the new hospital on the Glenside site, and put the film corp on the railway site along with a contemporary art gallery to extend the idea of North Terrace being a cultural zone. Although, if they included a really cool/interesting/innovative Museum of Medicine on the new hospital campus, I think that could work.I hate the idea of replicating the expressway, it's totally unnecessary..I travel vma pre show both ways at different times of the day, and there is very little congestion south of Darlington. If they want to suck up to southerners they should vma pre show build the multi-sports complex at the Mitsubishi site where there is already a rail line, which should be electrified and extended to Flinders Uni/Medical Centre.The other issue I have a problem with is the industries that receive the most stimulus' from State Labor are mining and defense.. My friends vma pre show an I call them the hard on' industries seriously, all we need is a boys own adventure' theme park and we could change vma pre show the rego plates from Festival State to Blokesville . ugh. And yes, there is nothing to stop women moving into industries that may traditionally be male dominated, but it would be nice to have some industries fostered that don't include either digging things up or blowing things up.There seems to be little to differentiate Labor from the Libs on social policy. I'd even argue that Labor is more socially conservative, which disappoints me greatly.
i2IzrX Im grateful for the article post.Thanks Aga

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