The festival for independent vh1 do something awards cinema So Independent this year boasts a few interesting titles from the world of extreme sports. Surf film "Riders of the verse," "The Art of Flying" snowboard and 'McConkie "skiing are part of the selection of independent films So Independent 2013. The film, dedicated vh1 do something awards to the history of the legendary freeride skier Shane McConkey and beysdzhampar definitely not a title that we missed. vh1 do something awards
"The film" McConkie "(McConkey) was heartfelt overview of the legacy that an athlete leaves the development of their sport, and a path that paves to conquer their dreams. Shane McConkey (Shane McConkey) was revered as a pioneer vh1 do something awards in the disciplines of freeskiing and ski-BASE vh1 do something awards jumps. Through their talent and ability to use irreverent humor that has become his trademark, he inspired countless people. In the new film, Red Bull Media House, in conjunction with Matchstick Productions, McCONKEY otznamenuva life of one of the top world innovators - once described as the most influential skier of all time. "
"The film is mounted so flawlessly that to looking away for a second means to miss something amazing, because it seems every second of my life, Shane was doing something amazing. vh1 do something awards But the film is a masterpiece, especially because it allows Shane and his closest people to tell the story in their own way. In this sense it does not matter if you're a skier, a movie buff or just a regular spectator. "
February vh1 do something awards 14 Winter Belasitza 2014 February 14 Winter Cycling duel in Pamporovo in February 18 world tour of Banff Mountain Film Festival and XCo Film Fest in February 18 Film about XCo Adventure Cup of XCo Film Fest in February 19 Premiere of "Alaska Project" of XCo Film Fest
Travel Researchers of all EXPLORE BULGARIA Journey of a skier in Japan, Dubai and Iceland - video series EXPLORE BULGARIA seeking traveler Explorers Club presents: "Vilnius - the intersection" "Unknown Antarctica" on Pavol Barabas comes to Sofia
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