Thursday, January 22, 2015

Read also: So faced

A recreational sports and compensation. A mixture challenging combinations and strength which release of each force which knew not have. That says about her passion Mirela Riti, the only coach in Bistrita body combat and among the few in the country.
Monday night at Casa Ema, Mirela Riti celebrated with those we train, a month of the start and Bistrita body combat classes. On this occasion, and because it's Halloween time combat body was free.
How it all began? Mirela Riti passion for tae bo and then a thorough documentation about what body combat. There are similarities but also differences. 2011 emmy nominees This sport combines moves borrowed from various martial arts: taekwondo, muay thai, capoeira, karate, kickboxing.
That is, the body combat 2011 emmy nominees burn fat fast, the body develops coordination, strength, flexibility 2011 emmy nominees and agility and is a high-intensity cardiovascular workout. Interestingly burn 700 calories per hour.
La Casa Ema, body combat is made within three days of the week. Mondays are working on upper body Wednesday 2011 emmy nominees in the lower part and Fridays are combined exercises including cardio. 2011 emmy nominees The training lasts one hour and 12 sessions subscription is one hundred lei. See more photos here.
Read also: So faced "soldiers" Mirela Riti those of Virgil Russian Ema House! Ema House, host for nearly 200 children who love swimming Half of the proceeds realized by Ema House on 17 April, 2011 emmy nominees a foundation donated elected Competitors from 14 clubs in the competition 2011 emmy nominees swimming 'Cup Ema House "Casa Ema opened gates. See how it looks one of the most modern centers Spa
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Recent Ovidiu nifty place to MDRAP anticorruption program. Dragnea: I see better retention of CEA Bistrita-Nasaud: Unemployment last year from 5.43% to 4.42% in January December Stelian Dolha: The jesters no longer negotiable. We're sitting on a bomb, ticking and no one can hear Florian: Hope to circulate in modern conditions, shattered. Dolha County BN, isolated Dolha: Councillors migrants lose their mandates. It remains to be seen what will be the fate of Mayors tablets, mobile phones and digital cameras, offered participants 'ECOlimpiada 2011 emmy nominees students' Dolha: moral cleansing speaks Doina Pana, the model probably comunistoid

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