Friday, May 29, 2015

2011 (7) 07/17 - 24/07 (1) 03/20 - 03/27 (1) 13/03 - 03/20 (2) 02/06 - 02/13 (1) BOB MARL

BOB MARLEY mtv ema awards 2011 & VIEWS OF REGGAE February is indeed very special for music lovers Reggae.Pada this month is the month of the birth of the great figures that Bob Marley.Pria Reggae Jamaican origin whose real name is Robert Nesta Marley was born on February 6 .When we heard yesterday mtv ema awards 2011 Tuesday Jamaican sound on the radio program Muastang, reggae Indonesian Ambassador Ras Muhamad much play songs of Bob Marley and of his son as Damian Marley. Bob Marley figure itself is very famous in Indonesia, for example, when we are watching a reggae concert must always mtv ema awards 2011 exist Image Bob Marley as in clothing, flags dll.Para reggae lovers in each region are also preparing to hold a tribute to Bob marley.Jamaican Sound itself is not want to lose in the event in memory of Bob Marley, they also hold a similar event in your café Sharina thamrin.Bintang invited guests mtv ema awards 2011 are Gangstarasta, forces five fingers, The Fitris, Ras Mohammed and Steven hour. Ras Mohammed himself also said the message that Bob Marley is still remembered by reggae lovers around the world, namely unity, peace, and fairness.3 inin messages that seem simple but have meaning when Bob marley mendalam.Pada still living life in Africa is very poorly , as justice does not favor the rakyat.Dari situ musician Bob Marley aside so he also as pengobar spirit through his songs. Own reggae music in Indonesia is still alive in the middle of the siege Melayu.Memenag pop band when we see rarely as reggae mtv ema awards 2011 Jamaican colored band appears in Tv.Tapi this problem does not make reggae musicians to continue working, because only continue working with reggae will always remain Q Rastafara own abadi.Tony new album out less added, saying every person who wants to work through reggae music does not have to use the tools a complete band and the personnel who banyak.Om Tony himself on this album just using Guitar, Jimbe, Knong and flute. In Indonesia reggae band very much and the audience themselves are not only limited to young children dressed mtv ema awards 2011 dreadlocks, but there are also small children and the colored tua.Musik Jamaica has a 4 streams such as SKA, LOVES ROCK, DANCE HALL AND ROOTS.Musik identical with red, gold and green are always preferred by people who dreadlocked, it is the stigma that is still attached to Indonesia.Selain was identical to the person who smoked cannabis was always attached to the reggae mtv ema awards 2011 music, but not forbid people to use cannabis lovers of reggae in the ground water should remove the view of ordinary people who do not understand reggae, that reggae was not musk ganja.Memang if we see when watching a reggae concert we always see people burning marijuana leaves in the middle of the concert, though only a few people.However use of marijuana itself depends on our own personal liking such things or not. In addition to the figure of Bob Marley which is phenomenal in Indonesia.Pecinta reggae in Indonesia also has an idol which is favored by the entire community from Sabang to Merauke, namely Mbah Surip.Almarhum also had appalling music industry in Indonesia in 2009 through the song Tak tahunj Gendong.Melalui Mbah could surip The lyrics of every person and the figure itself is also friendly to anybody there is no distance between the fans. So in February of this addition we remember the services of Bob Marley in reggae music, we also interpret the deeper essence of reggae was sendiri.Bila we see many people who have to change the view with the music of Jamaica ini.Para reggae lovers and musicians never extinguish the fire zeal in the fight for quality music in Indonesia. Bless up ..
2011 (7) 07/17 - 24/07 (1) 03/20 - 03/27 (1) 13/03 - 03/20 (2) 02/06 - 02/13 (1) BOB MARLEY & VIEWS OF REGGAE Bul ... 01/30 - 02/06 (1) 01/09 - 16/01 (1) 2010 (6) 12/26 - 01/02 (2) 12 / 19 - 12/26 (1) 12/12 - 12/19 (2) 12/05 - 12/12 (1)

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