"Oh God, we recognize that as a country and as a people we have sinned in addressing the economic and monetary benefits. But nobody is perfect and without sin on earth, "said Metropolitan vma 2007 praying for forgiveness.
@ Search38 It's really a mentality Orthodox and Islamic world have almost superstitious vma 2007 two radical parties are Catholic or Protestant, while are very different here see as the developed west and east is majority Orthodox Western pray for money.
Guilt has not Orthodox or Muslim religion for this, as there is no merit to the Catholic religion in the western development for the development (economic I would say, because it social with a fair distribution vma 2007 of welfare let yet to be desired), but has land that it owns in companies where there. A person's self-proclaimed Catholic, Muslim, Orthodox ... and the time is neither the best, nor smart, nor the thief thug or religion vma 2007 you believe, if it was so, it would be very simple to world to live in peace and harmony. Greeks are people, and why the Albanians have litigation, conflicts and hatred rather rarely, this does not mean that it should be destroyed and bankrupt as a state. And why do I have any sympathy for them, wish to avoid chaos and bankruptcy, that no nation deserves to suffer.
His guys are let myself (for those who are interested) in connection with 6 ideas that helped the West to have dominance over the East. Science 1.- 16th and 17th century belonged to science. vma 2007 This revolution was entirely European. We killed the Muslim world klerikalismi spread of knowledge, while in Europe, aided by printing, expands the scope of knowledge. Discoveries in science led to the development of the technique of arms, which cementoi further development of the West. 2.- Konkurenza In the 15th century, China was civilizacioni with the developed world and Europe was a Province.Por then started the uninterrupted rise of Europe, and soon China was passed in the science and economics. This is because the fragmented political structure of Europe stimulated vma 2007 competition in all areas, which led to excellent results. Instead political monopolies, as recognized by the long history of China, inhibit competition. Why 3.- Private property empire that created Amerikne northern English, in the 17th century, was much more successful than that created the Spanish empire in South Amerikne a century ago? The reason was that the English settlers brought a KONZEPT to broad right of distribution of property and democracy. It was the best recipe for success against the Spanish model konzentrimit and Autokratismit wealth. Modern Medicine Perparimi 4.- medizines 19th and 20th century, life expectancy increased throughout vma 2007 the world and colonies. French Sidomis medical condition were enhanced more West Africa and developed vaccination against vma 2007 diseases like smallpox and verdhetit. 5.- Dominanza consumer culture vma 2007 of the West over the rest of the world was not achieved only by force but also by the market. Industrial Revolucjoni 18th and 19th centuries in England, created the model of a consumer society, which showed irrefutably that as the way of dressing was spread throughout the globe. 6.- work ethic. Protestantism is in the form of kristioanizmit that stimulates more work (as well as reading and saving) .It is not the case that the decline vma 2007 of the influence of religion in Europe has led to what european have become "lazy world", vma 2007 while in religious vein USA guarded work ethics. The fact is that the spread of Protestantism in China has brought work ethics. Here is a paradox: How was it possible that an economic system, which stimulate the endless possibilities of production, and ended in that, that people homogjenizoheshin? Welcome
So is the state of the church led by idiots showing a load of rubbish to another century and that Greek wild masses give you the right and follow after the dazzling. Well done to the Greek, I am avenged voice of all those Albanians who were killed by Greek vain that are only Albanian, Greek lice are those who speak English split will make that will drown, vma 2007 as turkofagosit work and that apokalypsit. Greek violate Wermacht go before once again as the breach in 1943. Germany will these ad failed as a state and makes good jau that the Germans vma 2007 have realized that they are ungrateful people, animals and February snail race piste.
Oh God, we recognize that as a country and as a people we have sinned in addressing the economic and monetary benefits.
Not that the Greeks defend ropt where you have if you o ences Zigur topet us with this link. Hoqa more to find? This is a movie O feebleminded not realities. This below is the reality. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/child-brides-around-the-world_n_866877.html#283291
Alexis Sorbas of biographical RROMANI by Nikos Kazantzakis is a real person who has been among
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