Thursday, September 18, 2014

By hard work, exemplary performance of duties, for significant contribution to addressing the socia

Members of the "Man of the Year Zolochivschini -2011" academy awards live |
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These are the photos and names of the participants of the "Man of the Year Zolochivschini -2011". academy awards live Select "Person of the Year Zolochivschini -2011" here. It does not matter who wins, it is important that these people deserve recognition and respect of his people.
His active social work has earned recognition not only among the people around academy awards live them, but was awarded 12 th diplomas and medals academy awards live 8th liberation struggle. Member War Veteran of Labour. For active stance and a significant contribution to the national revival of the spirit, the quest for historical truth was elected Chairman of the Brotherhood academy awards live of the OUN-UPA. Made a significant contribution to search and organize the graves of the fallen soldiers of the UPA. This particular Mass grave at the New Cemetery, grave tortured in 1939-1941r.r. the Old Cemetery. Recently there was the reburial of bodies of two soldiers UPA Havarechchyni, a monument to Peter and Basil Shuminskomu Kuzmenskomu.
Plans for the future Yaroslav Nikolaevich much. First of all you need to attract the younger generation of activists to participate in of the UPA, keep looking UPA graves of soldiers and other soldiers who died in WWII. Also very important is the work of ahitatyvnoyi unite all democratic forces in Ukraine that will represent their interests in the United Front in the elections of 2012.
For outstanding contributions to the national revival of Ukraine, many selfless activities academy awards live in the field of preservation and promotion of the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian academy awards live people, the personal achievements in the development of museums awarded: National Prize Taras Shevchenko (1990) Honorary Award of the President of Ukraine (1996) Order "For Merit" the II. (2001), the highest academy awards live award in Poland - Order "Commander" (2003), Doctor academy awards live honoris causa of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (2004) The title of Hero of Ukraine and the Order of the State (16 May 2005) by the President of Ukraine - Cross of Ivan Mazepa (2010) by the President of Ukraine - Jubilee academy awards live Medal "20 years of independence of Ukraine" (19 August 2011) winner of the All-Ukrainian prize "Recognition" honorary, member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Tikhonov Catherine Y. - CHNPP "Ecology" head Zolochiv district youth public organization "Buzhans" member academy awards live company "Enlightenment" organization "Young Education" NGO "Union of Ukrainian" Party theater group "Enlightenment" and Zolochivskogo Youth Theatre academy awards live "land "by 3oh poetry.
Catherine Y. actively involved in social work, is a volunteer festivals and charity events. In 2004 the world saw a collection of poetry nominee "sweet smelling morning", "Strands of thought" (2007.) And "Tsvit academy awards live cherry burst" (2009.), Where performances academy awards live and co-author and compiler. In 2010, won first place in the III Youth Festival and Competition, "Shevchenko Fest" in the "photo" 1st place in the regional competition review-readers dedicated to Taras Shevchenko and Mothers Day (2010). Winner of 1st degree regional academy awards live competition readers, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (2011). winner of 2nd degree Ukrainian contest for readers of them. Taras Shevchenko in Kiev (2011). 1st place in the online academy awards live competition of poetry, who conducted the site "Drogobic info" (2011). Awarded the Diploma of Lviv Regional State Administration on the occasion of Youth Day for active civic activities, cultural and educational work among young people , a significant contribution to the development of the youth movement in Lviv (2011).
By hard work, exemplary performance of duties, for significant contribution to addressing the social support awarded: Diploma with breastplate (1999). Government award of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2005). Medal "For honest academy awards live labor" by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine (2008). decree of the President academy awards live of Ukraine awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker Social Worker academy awards live of Ukraine" (2009).
And other achievements, honors, awards honored for community activities. Mary M., a member of the City Council Zolochiv academy awards live as head Zolochiv District Disabled Association aims to continue to defend the interests of the people of God, to act to meet the needs of the public. In the near future the aim is to achieve a functioning nominee reabilitatsiynoh

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