Coco watching your favorite movie. One of the sad scenes boy says goodbye to relatives and waving them off the train. Once the scene starts "farewell", Coco turn away, to not look. Then she begins to express gestures concept of "dull", "sad", "cry", "bad", "anxiety", "mother" and "Coco loves." That whole scene on video:
African gray parrot named Alex knew how to count and identify colors. He and his mistress Irene Pepperberh had a great relationship and mutual understanding. In 2007Aleks died, and his last words were You be good. I love you ( Any good. I love you ").
Smart Christa McLENNAN argues that "when academy awards 2012 date chick is next to his" favorite "partner, stress levels, as measured by the frequency of the heartbeat, lower than when it is close to random individuals."
Guide dogs Solti and Rozel received medals Deakin (the highest military award for UK animals copies.) "For his blind devotion to the owners, their courageous academy awards 2012 date support down 70 floors of the World Trade Center to safety after the terrorist attack carried out in New York September 11, 2001. "
In 2007, five children were playing with George when they were attacked by pit bull. "George tried to protect us, he cursed and threw himself on other people's dogs, - said one of the children academy awards 2012 date - but they were biting him then his head, then behind his back." George Heroic intervention saved the children, however, the dog died of wounds. George was posthumously awarded a medal for bravery.
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Patricia Adshed brewed tea, when her home was raided three masked men with knives. To help the woman rushed her ex-husband, Adshed, but one of the attackers slashed academy awards 2012 date his hand with a machete.
"I academy awards 2012 date was in the kitchen with OI, one of the bandits left guard us. He was holding a machete straight academy awards 2012 date over my head - says Patricia. - OI jumped and grabbed a stranger's hand. In response, the bandit struck the dog on the head with his machete, but it still managed to drive it home. If she did not, I would be dead. It saved my life. "
Damian Aspinal grown gorilla Kvibi in England. When Kvibi was 5 years old her back to Africa. After another five years, Damian went to West Africa to find his old friend, despite all the warnings that Kvibi become hostile to people.
Blind spaniel Ellie took a shelter employee Jean Spencer. To her great surprise, soon appeared Ellie volunteers. Dogs became academy awards 2012 date her Leo, another dog Gin. "I walk with them in the park and Leo always accompanies Ellie - says Spencer. - So he protects her and drives away aggressive dogs. "
In rescue center in Cameroon chimpanzee monkey named Dorothy died of cardiac arrest. What happened then - just amazing. Her associates chimp took hold of each other and wistfully watched as they were burying their friend.
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