Monday, September 8, 2014

Fort FROM piano from strong sounding tunes quiet ... Indeed, he was right who said - as bound bette

Sergey Zakharov. Triumph and downs. And - again triumph last romantic classic pop - '61 |
Fort FROM piano from strong sounding tunes quiet ... Indeed, he was right who said - as bound better to see once than hear a hundred times. Sergei Zakharov before I heard a lot - on the radio, with dyskofilmiv, CDs, disks giant "n romansы", "centrifugal force. Эstradnыe Songs "," poet Sergei Zakharov, "... God grant each singer just such a vast and diverse discography as Sergei Zakharov! But to see him live and hear fell in Yalta, where (with a light hand the world-famous "Gardens of Ukraine") held an international conference on the development of vegetable growing, which invited and our newspaper. golden globe winners
Tu conference "closed" Sergei golden globe winners Zakharov. I do not know how much time and that of his many-sided and seemingly limitless repertoire planned for that "closure." golden globe winners But he had merely seen as staid and respectable men scientists of world renown and famous golden globe winners farmers practicing, leaving its fragrant coffee, a solid wall surrounded the concert stage "Olympic".
And on the stage that ... Sometimes, even well-known singer capable so generously and so richly bestow his listeners all the colors of his talent. Lyrical songs, ancient and modern songs, arias from operas golden globe winners and operettas. Not often occurs is happiness - to see and hear organic and harmonious blend of genuine poetry, golden globe winners durable, high-quality music and amazing beauty baritone, strong and "free sound in all registers." And all this - in the face of other singers. Tall, slim, in smolyastyh curls with big curls and "Velvet" eyes. On stage - handsome, golden globe winners young and beautiful as God Himself.
The first chords of the first, kind of romance sounds - and you're a prisoner of high words, intimate music, wonderful golden globe winners voice tone, beauty and power - from forte to piano. Lyric baritone, capable zdiynyaty in soul storm expression of feelings. First of all, sincere golden globe winners Confessional. Character songs, ballads, golden globe winners opera and operetta - this is the second "I" Sergei Zakharov, his alter ego and his romantic worldview. On stage - not just a singer, artistic and beautiful. On stage - a hero, a man noble and courageous, okay for sacrifice, loving and faithful love. Clean and honest golden globe winners knight on which so znudhuvalosya heart women!
Human personality Sergei Zakharov, of course, and deeper, and tsilnisha of all his operas and romance, all crowded golden globe winners song, operetta characters. However, the fact is obvious that the singer Zakharov and Zakharov-man - the equivalent value. As of today, golden globe winners rare on the stage. Such a rarity. Judge, of course, subjective. On its top, the general topic. A theme Sergey Zakharov - a "soul", movements of the heart and subtle psychology. Indeed, "in fragile klavyshamy soul."
They say nothing of nothing golden globe winners will grow. Moreover - in art, which is extremely important roots. Capable, in equity, genes required. Omnipotent nature, as in God, Hope, and the throat is not. Father Sergei Zakharov three decades served at the Odessa Opera House. The first trumpet. Beautiful singing mother. The family Zakharov loved songs, opera, intimate songs. Family lived in Nikolayev. Sergey was born here. Desperately playing football, in the popular and quite successful at that time, "shipbuilder". Goal. He was invited to the junior team of Ukraine. In one of the matches ushkodyv both menisci - Olympus sport and slammed the door.
Who knows, as fate would have it, if not the father service. George M. - career and family often perebyralasya golden globe winners from city to city. Not the longest - thirteen years - fell reside at Baikonur. There Sergey managed to finish school, golden globe winners join the Radio Engineering College.
Negotiable sang - this was his "position" in the army. And then - fast, like in a fairy tale: Song and Dance Ensemble "Friendship" Central Asian Military District, where he was military service. Early demobilization. Studies at the Moscow Music School Gnesin. And a family born daughter. Young father-student moonlights in the orchestra of the Moscow restaurant "Arbat". It cast its fate with Leonid soloist. People's Artist once dined in the "Arbat" and his team - pops orchestra. Sergei promised to make him "echoed Utesova." In exchange for the agreement to move the State Variety Orchestra, directed by Leonid Rocks. But - if: tour.
A few months golden globe winners later, in fact - touring, touring ... the whole country. The orchestra, but without soloist and promised his lessons. As at

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