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The publication of contributions, insights, articles and in general of all the works documents and comments (including news) present on Filodiritto was granted (and request) by the authors, the holders of all moral rights and equity under Law on Copyright and Related Rights (Law 633/1941). The reproduction and any other form of public disclosure of the above works (even in part), in the absence of the author's permission, is punishable under Articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of that Law 633/1941. You may download, inspect, take copies or print the documents published on Filodiritto section Doctrine for exclusively personal reasons, for information-cultural and non-commercial, not including any modification or alteration. They are also allowed to cite for the record, study, criticism or review, provided that they contain the name of the article and the source, for example: Luca Martini, the discretion of the health care in the qualification of the offense punishable d ' office for the purpose of the obligation to report the former. Article 365 cod. pen., in "Filodiritto" (, with the link. If the author is not otherwise indicated rights of Inforomatica Srl and reproduction is prohibited without the explicit consent of the same. It is always pleasing text communication, electronic or paper, carrie bradshaw dresses where took place the citation. The child support to the younger son: the parameters for determining and powers of the judge October 1, 2013 -
The obligation to contribute to meeting the needs of children is attributable to both parents in proportion of their disposable income: the judge may, if necessary, the payment of a check regularly in order to realize the principle of proportionality and, in determining the amount of the minor, must consider the "current needs of the child", which are reflected in the needs, habits, legitimate aspirations of the child and, in general, in his prospects in life, which can not help but be affected by the level economic and social environment in which we find the figure of the parent.
The financial resources of each parent, in order to determine the extent of partnership to meet the needs of the child, must be assessed taking carrie bradshaw dresses into account all the available assets (real estate, equity investments, appointments managers of companies), having regard to all the potential arising from the ownership of assets in terms of profitability, spending power, guarantees high welfare and reasonable expectations for the future; in making such assessments the judge, notwithstanding the general rules on the burden of proof, may claim the tax police, ex officio or upon request of a party.
The duty of parental support, instruct and educate their children requires parents to cope with a variety of needs of children, certainly not attributable to the obligation only food, but inevitably extended appearance housing, education, sports, health, social inclusion, carrie bradshaw dresses moral and material carrie bradshaw dresses assistance and timely preparation, until the age of the children themselves so requires, a permanent home organization, such as to correspond to all the needs of care and education.
The appeals court territorial, in partial reform of the decree adopted by the court of first instance - exercise carrie bradshaw dresses at first instance was the juvenile court as it concerned in the maintenance of children born of a union is not founded on marriage (on the point, See also point five in the closing of this Note) - ordered the payment, by Tom and in favor of Caia, the monthly sum of one thousand two hundred euros, in addition to paying eighty percent of the extra costs incurred for the couple's daughter , as a contribution to the maintenance of the child.
1) the trial judge erred in because it is entrusted to the exclusive criterion consists of the alleged disparity in income between foster parents, without assessing the other criteria set by law, such as the current needs of the child, the standard of living enjoyed in previously and economic resources of both spouses; carrie bradshaw dresses
2) the appellate court improperly motivated its decision, because - although relating to the current needs
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