Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The third and the sixth plea may be arranged and are in part inadmissible, since they tend only, th

RicercaGiuridica.com The database grammy awards live stream of judgments Free Newsletter Free info and social and privacy: Home Judgments Codes Cassation Journals Sites legal Cassation - the Constitutional Court - Judgments - Gloxa: Since 2000, the first or the community 'for the exchange of complete sentences in plain text materials - Sending - Participate - News2.0 - full text - RSS
Cassation VI civil order of 18.09.2013, n. 21273 - (904) Children filiation maintenance expenses ordinary extraordinary grammy awards live stream expenses separation allowance divorzile "The judge may have, where necessary, the payment of a check regularly in order to realize the principle of proportionality, and, in determining the amount of the minor, must consider the "current needs of the child", which are reflected in the needs, habits, legitimate aspirations of the minor, and usually in his outlook on life, which can not fail to be affected level of economic and social environment grammy awards live stream in which we find the figure of the parent (Cass. no. 23630 of 2009, no. 23411 of 2009, n. 7644, 1995, n. 10119 of 2006). "
"Requires parents to cope with a multiplicity of needs of children, certainly not attributable to the obligation only food, but inevitably extended appearance housing, education, sports, health, social, moral and material assistance, the proper preparation , until the age of the children themselves so requires, a permanent grammy awards live stream home organization, suitable to meet all needs of care and education (Cass. 27 May 2009, n. 23630; November 8, 1997, n. 11025 ; Cass. March 19, 2002, n. 3974; Cass. 22 March 2005, n. 6197), and in part unfounded, as not all sports needs, educational (eg purchase of books, office supplies) and entertainment are among the extraordinary expenses (Cass. 23630 of 2009), "
The first and the second reason to be together as they relate to the criteria for the determination of maintenance of the minor, are manifestly unfounded, as the Territorial Court ruled in a completely consistent with the thrust of this Court, according to the where there is an obligation of both parents, who carry out activities productive working income, contribute to meeting the needs of the child, in proportion to their availability economic, pursuant to art. 147 and 148 cc, in direct application of Article. 30 Const., grammy awards live stream And pure art. 155 cc. The judge may have, where necessary, the payment of a check regularly in order to realize this principle of proportionality, and, in determining the amount of the minor, must consider the "current needs of the child", that result in the needs, habits, legitimate aspirations of the minor, and usually in his outlook on life, which can not help but be affected by the level of economic grammy awards live stream and social environment in which we find the figure of the parent (Cass. no. 23630 of 2009, n. 23411 of 2009, n. 7644, 1995, n. 10 119 2006). In the present case, the motivational context of a preliminary appeal, clearly shows a reliable reference to these needs, ancorch necessarily related to the economic conditions of the parents. The appellate court in fact assessed concretely needs and the needs of a little girl of four years, grammy awards live stream noting at the same time that there is a significant disparity between the financial circumstances of the parents, which justifies, grammy awards live stream giving the realization of the principle of proportionality above recalled, a greater contribution from Mr. P. to the maintenance of the child.
The third and the sixth plea may be arranged and are in part inadmissible, since they tend only, through the evocation of a vice motivational, to urge a re-evaluation, aimed at a different quantification of the amount of the assets from P., the elements factual, which is solely for the trial judge and upon which this Court can not interfere (ex multis Cass. 22909 of 2012, Cass. 7179 of 2010), and in part unfounded, since the Court of Appeal, with fair and adequate reasons, did not disappoint, considering unreliable incomes formally declared by the applicant, but, given the income tax, has extended the examination of the economic capability of the parent also to its additional capital availability (real estate, equity investments, administrator of society), having grammy awards live stream regard to all the potentials arising from the Title to the assets in terms of profitability, the ability of spending, guarantees grammy awards live stream high welfare and reasonable expectations for the future, while respecting the principles repeatedly enunciated by this Court (Cass. 9915 of 2007). Unfounded presents altres the applicant's complaint regarding the lack of available surveys tri

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