Tuesday, March 10, 2015

by Albert Brenner May 09, 2007 01:04 PM EST History angelina jolie green dress is pregnant again; re

This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture angelina jolie green dress and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. Quotes: "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" - Peter Mokaba (ANC). "When Mandela dies we will kill you whites like flies" - Mzukizi Gaba (ANC). "We the members of MK have pledged ourselves to kill them, the whites" - Nelson Mandela.
by Albert Brenner May 09, 2007 01:04 PM EST History angelina jolie green dress is pregnant again; ready to foster the future the present is unwilling to bear. A future in which relativism will, yet again, be forced by rationalism to lay bare all miscarriages conceived by its innate inability to rationally nurture ever-expanding life/existence. And first among the stillborn to be exposed will be the Noble Savage a myth that has, in the West, been the lop-sided smile of cultural relativism.
Posted by Rudi Prinsloo on 12.5.07. Link Comments: 3 Vir meer artikels, raadpleeg asseblief die argiewe en soekenjin in die sykolom. For more articles, please angelina jolie green dress use the archives section or search angelina jolie green dress engine in the sidebar.
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