Thursday, March 12, 2015

"I'm sure as that day comes I will go and knock at the door of heaven and I know what they will say,

“Surely, if politicians and senior officials can publicly direct police officials to use firearms to prevent crime or becoming 2012 oscars predictions the victims…the very same principle should apply to law-abiding citizens who do not enjoy the luxury of police protection,” said Transvaal Landbou Unie SA (TLU SA) chief executive Bennie Van Zyl.
“The unabated continuance of the most brutal violence against the producers of food and fibre, their families and their employees is not only targeting a specific sector of the economy in a manner to which none other can compare,” he said.
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Hierdie is n kopie van Die nuwe Suid-Afrika blog by Doel
"We the members of MK have pledged 2012 oscars predictions ourselves to kill them, the whites" Nelson Mandela Argiewe Kies Maand Junie 2010  (30) Mei 2010  (95) April 2010  (206) Maart 2010  (100) Februarie 2010  (24) Januarie 2010  (40) Desember 2009  (43) November 2009  (59) 2012 oscars predictions Oktober 2009  (48) September 2009  (52) Augustus 2009  (42) Julie 2009  (54) Junie 2009  (45) Mei 2009  (25) April 2009  (31) Maart 2009  (57) Februarie 2009  (69) Januarie 2009  (38) Desember 2008  (25) November 2008  (71) Oktober 2008  (29) 2012 oscars predictions September 2008  (18) Augustus 2008  (59) Julie 2008  (47) 2012 oscars predictions Junie 2008  (47) Mei 2008  (46) April 2008  (38) Maart 2008  (64) Februarie 2012 oscars predictions 2008  (45) 2012 oscars predictions Januarie 2008  (64) Desember 2007  (34) November 2007  (35) Oktober 2007  (34) September 2007  (21) Augustus 2007  (27) Julie 2007  (18) Junie 2007  (15) Mei 2007  (12) April 2007  (17) 2012 oscars predictions Maart 2007  (29) Februarie 2007  (21) Januarie 2007  (27) Desember 2006  (18) November 2006  (10) Oktober 2006  (31) September 2006  (38) Augustus 2006  (45) 2012 oscars predictions Julie 2006  (38) Junie 2006  (27) Mei 2006  (4) 2012 oscars predictions April 2006  (9) Januarie 2006  (2) Desember 2005  (1) November 2005  (2) Oktober 2005  (1) September 2005  (1) Augustus 2005  (1) Julie 2005  (4) Mei 2005  (3) April 2005  (4) Maart 2005  (1) Februarie 2005  (9) Januarie 2005  (2) November 2004  (4) Oktober 2004  (8) September 2004  (1) Augustus 2004  (10) Maart 2004  (1) Oktober 2002  (1) Julie 2002  (1) April 2001  (1) Februarie 2000  (1) Januarie 1999  (1) Soek Soek vir: Nog aanhalings
"I'm sure as that day comes I will go and knock at the door of heaven and I know what they will say, they will look at their list and say: 'Your name is not there, can you try next door?' "I won't go next door because if I went there I know what will happen to me, I will burn for the rest of eternity. I will look for a branch of the African National Congress in that world and join it." Nelson MandelaRecipient of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.
The Americans fight for a free world. The English mostly for honor glory and medals. The French and Canadians decide too late that they have to participate. The Italians are too scared to fight. 2012 oscars predictions The Russians have no choice. The Germans for the Fatherland. The Boers? Those sons of bitches 2012 oscars predictions fight for the hell of it! Amerikaanse Generaal, George "Guts and Glory" Patton
Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will beach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen, and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me two divisions of those marvelous fighting Boers and I will remove 2012 oscars predictions Germany from the face of the earth. Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery (Commander Allied forces WWII)
"Take a community of Dutchman of the type of those who defended 2012 oscars predictions themselves for fifty years against all the power of Spain at a time when Spain was the greatest power in the world. Intermix with them a strain of those inflexible French Huguenots, who gave up their name and left their country forever at the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The product must obviously be one of the most rugged, virile, 2012 oscars predictions unconquerable races ever seen upon the face of the earth. Take these formidable people and train them for seven generations in constant warfare against savage men and ferocious beasts, in circumstances in which no weakling could survive; place them so that they acquire skill with weapons and in horsemanship, 2012 oscars predictions give them a country 2012 oscars predictions which is immanently suited to the tactics of the huntsman, the marksman and the rider. Then, finally, put a fine temper upon their military qualities by a dour fatalistic Old Testament 2012 oscars predictions religion and an ardent and consuming patriotism. Combine all these qualities and all these impulses in one individual and you have the modern Boer." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"Their adventures and exploits form one of the most singular chapters of modern history, and deserve a clearer record than has yet been given to them." 2012 oscars predictions Eng

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