Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ontvang Berigte Receive Updates Voer in u epos adres Enter your email address "My volk gaan ten gron

This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. Quotes: "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" - Peter Mokaba (ANC). "When Mandela dies we will kill you whites like flies" - Mzukizi Gaba (ANC). "We the members music awards 2011 of MK have pledged ourselves to kill them, the whites" - Nelson Mandela.
Dear sir, Your report ( For Volk's sake ) portrays the 300 people attending a meeting at the Vegkop battle terrain as of one mind, being "Afrikaner right-wing dinosaurs" supporting AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche. However, nothing could be further from the truth. I was invited to talk about the community safety programme I am involved in, for which I was labelled music awards 2011 a "right-wing ideologue". I suppose if you are an AK 47-wielding militiaman barking orders in English to a septuagenarian Afrikaner granny music awards 2011 you are about to rape and murder (as happens almost every day), the Sunday Times would call you a "left-wing angel".
While I do not subscribe music awards 2011 to the more racially charged pronouncements made by some of the speakers, they must surely be considered mild in comparison to the likes of "Kill a Boer, kill a farmer" regularly sung by ANC office-bearers or even the presidential "Bring me my machine gun". Whatever happened to freedom of speech or does it only apply to those who are antagonistic to Afrikaners and the Afrikaans language? The use of the term "dinosaur" in itself implies that all Afrikaners should by now be dead or extinct and their continued music awards 2011 presence music awards 2011 in this country is offensive to the majority. However, it is also true that, regarding racial polarisation, South Africa finds itself in the slipstream of Zimbabwe and Namibia where Sam Nujoma recently said during an election campaign: "Being in the company of whites is like having music awards 2011 a poisonous snake in your bedroom." Nujoma also castigated those whites who criticised Robert Mugabe, saying: "Whoever meets an Englishman, should beat him to death." music awards 2011 Given the extreme violence raging in our country - a race war or genocide by anyone's definition - victims music awards 2011 or relatives of victims are bound to react emotionally or make disparaging statements music awards 2011 about those belonging to the perpetrator group. South Africa is fast turning into a lunatic asylum where it is a greater crime to offend music awards 2011 a black person's dignity than to kill a white. Just compare the media response to the Reitz video where four black women merrily drank orange juice in a mock iniaitiation ceremony with white Afrikaner students to the case of the black taxi driver who deliberately music awards 2011 ran down 16-year old Bernadine Kruger on a scooter, killing her in a clear act of anti-white racism. In order to come clean on race, the ANC government should publish all statistics on interracial crimes, including murder, rape and robbery. We need to know the race of both perpetrators and victims. Only the truth will heal us. Dan Roodt Source: Praag Forum http://groups.yahoo.com/group/praag/
Posted by Rudi Prinsloo on 11.10.09. Link Comments: 0 Vir meer artikels, raadpleeg asseblief die argiewe en soekenjin in die sykolom. For more articles, please use the archives section or search engine in the sidebar.
Ontvang Berigte Receive Updates Voer in u epos adres Enter your email address "My volk gaan ten gronde weens n gebrek aan kennis" - Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" - Hosea 4:6 Volksmoord Teller Genocide Counter Solidariteit Radio Genocide Watch Perspektief Vlad du Plessis
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Mandela & the Church Street Bombing 'Steal from whites' Marxists destroy new South Africa The rape of a nation Rape 2 and call me in the morning Adapt and die - South Africa's new motto Farms of fear The Criminalization of South Africa It's not crime, its war Whites no longer welcome in South Africa Why the violence? Let Africa Sink Africa has no conscience The ominous parallels Stop feeling guilty! The feel-good history of Africa Child Rape In The New South Africa Affirmative Action music awards 2011 is an Oxymoron Maak die ANC steeds oorlog teen die Afrikaner? White genocide may loom in South Africa Nelson Mandela Singing music awards 2011 About Killing Whites - Folkets Nyheter Who impoverished the rest of Africa, Mamphele? Mandela Has no Clothes To our neo-liberalist friends: One day we will meet you in hell The ugly truth about democratic South Africa Onsla

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