Friday, March 20, 2015

Mesh soul train don cornelius development took a long time, and had lots of pitfalls. By the time it

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The year was, oh, perhaps 2009 or so. In the middle of all the excitement about virtual worlds in general and Second Life in particular, professional 3D designers were raising eyebrows at a new opportunity to sell their content.
A virtual world with a million regular users who were engaged in consuming digital content, specifically, 3D models? And doing so regularly? Half a billion US$ of yearly transactions? Strong DRM in place (what we residents call the permission system )? All that just to prettify avatars and put them on poses on top of some virtual furniture? Well, it seemed too good to be true. And there was, indeed, a catch: you had to use Linden Lab s own application to create content which was designed having amateur content creators in mind, not professionals.
Professionals, well, used meshes and had done so for over a decade. They populate marketplace sites like Renderosity, DAZ3D, BlendSwap, and who knows what else; doing business selling COLLADA soul train don cornelius files (or at least Wavefront OBJs or Blender files or whatever was popular at the time as a file format). They used Maya, 3DS Max, Blender professional content creation tools. They had graphic pipelines fine-tuned for their own work design once, deploy everywhere. Well, everywhere except soul train don cornelius Second Life, because SL had no way to use their creations: you had to do everything soul train don cornelius from scratch.
A few naturally went that way, and prospered. But the rest of the professional 3D content creation world stayed away. And, ironically, as the media started to lose interest in SL, Linden Lab spread rumours that mesh import would be available as an option in the near future.
Mesh soul train don cornelius development took a long time, and had lots of pitfalls. By the time it was ready and stable, it made a timid appearance (24 hours after Linden Lab announced its general availability, it was also developed for OpenSimulator). The battle around the dozens (hundreds?) of third-party viewers meant that Linden Lab s own viewer, which was initially the only one able to correctly import and view meshes, was used by a minority of users. Established content creators frowned about the slow adoption of mesh-capable viewers. A few, of course, started releasing meshed content soul train don cornelius specially in the clothing and apparel market segment. And soon, professional content developers would start dabbling a bit with SL again. There was some traction; soul train don cornelius there was a long period until mesh caught soul train don cornelius some momentum; soon, however, all major third-party viewers started to correctly display mesh, and, by 2013, it was clear that mesh was here to stay, that avatar personalisation took a next step into the new generation, and long after the media completely forgot SL (even today, the scattered articles soul train don cornelius about SL are illustrated with pictures from 2007!), the mesh economy exploded . Literally. Top designers who are mesh content creators are, once again, making thousands of US dollars per week . The SL economy grows and grows in spite of landmass shrinkage (we have probably to thank the SL Marketplace for that), an overall reduction of simultaneous logged in users, and a drop in the active users. Still, the market blooms. soul train don cornelius
Mesh content has huge advantages, one of which is the possibility to dramatically reduce polygon count on a scene (compared soul train don cornelius to equivalent techniques using tortured prims), soul train don cornelius and, because of that, its adoption has become universal and strongly encouraged soul train don cornelius by Linden Lab and some core OpenSimulator developers on their own grids. But there is a huge disadvantage, too: amateurs are left out of the game.
Designing 3D content with a professional tool is not for the faint of heart. In a recent discussion with a teacher of digital art at high school level, he told me that his students have little difficulty with video and 2D graphic production powertools like Adobe Premiere, AfterEffect

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