The year of the Atheist? | Nathan Bond's TART Remarks
Posted in Religion must go!
But Hans wors, you keep telling me how dum I am, so how am I going to figure anything out? Besides, that is, that you re dodging the question again with your usual tosh and piffle. So there s nothing new there. I figured that out too, Hans wors. All by myself, nogal . Cos you re such a superb teacher, Hans wors.
But Hans wors, it doesn t take a genius, let alone one of your impressive sandra nettelbeck magnificence, to figure out that you are continuously talking delusional kak , so why should anyone pay anything more than cursory attention to you, hmm?
Oh, tosh and piffle, Hans wors. If you believe in a personal creator skydaddy, you re against science by the very nature of your beliefs. So you can stop telling such tall ones, see?
Nee Hans man, ek het nie regtig penis op die “brien” nie, en ek is jammer jy dink ons mishoop “strink” so. Maar vertel my; het jy al gehoor van die pot wat die ketel swart noem? Ek kan nie onthou waar een van ons op die mishoop al vir julle vertel het dat ons die enigste mense is wat die waarheid in pag het nie. Ek kan nie onthou waar ons al vir julle vertel het julle moet ons woord aanvaar dat die waarheid aan ons onthul is, en julle gaan in die hel brand as julle nie ons woord daarvoor wil aanvaar sonder enige bewyse hoegenaamd nie. Ek kan nie onthou waar ons gerespekteerde wetenskaplikes se navorsing summier afgemaak het as irrellevant waar dit ons onthulde waarheid weerspreek nie.
Yes Hans wors, you have taught me something, and I have never denied it. Specifically, you have taught me just how much godiot/religiot/apologiot/crediot/bibliot crushtians are prepared to lie, to deceive, to manufacture bullshit, to evade and dodge, to be pigheadedly impervious to reason, evidence and logic, and to claim all sorts of fanciful horseshit. That is what you have taught sandra nettelbeck me, and the lessons are ongoing, Hans wors. I mean, who could fail to learn these edifying lessons from an infallible teacher like you with your unmatched expertise re your skydaddy sandra nettelbeck and your Holey Babble !? Before I encountered you, I thought it would be possible to have a mutually beneficial debate but your methods, tactics and approach soon set me right on that score.
So yes, about godiots/religiots/apologiots/crediots/bibliots you have taught me much that is valuable, and I am deeply humbled by, and grateful for your eminent selflessness in that regard, Hans wors
Shazee, geen wonder julle dwaal so, julle verbeel julle, julle is beter as ander en die mishoop waarop julle, julle so verhoog, sandra nettelbeck strink. Dit wil voorkom of jy “penis” op jou brien het en dus wonder ek of jy ooit regdenkend kan wees?
Well, in days gone by for more than two years, I tried to have a halfway decent interaction with this brainless drolkop . Without fail, he just shat his usual runny poo all over everything with the same monotonous stupidity, occasionally sandra nettelbeck claiming that he proved this or that. The only thing he has proved, and the proof is ongoing, is the mind-numbing and mind-numbed obduracy of the typical godiot.
The one thing he is brilliant sandra nettelbeck at, is avoiding straight sandra nettelbeck answers sandra nettelbeck and changing subjects. I thought my question on the “Religion is like a penis” thread, would stump him at the first go. After all, if you don’t believe that jesus died for your sins, why call yourself a christan?
Oh no Shazee , now you ve done it. Left an opening for Hans wors to change the subject again, I mean. He ll tell you that a doos can at least provide pleasure and in his mind, with that he ll have won another round over us dumb atheists without ever having said anything of any substance, value or meaning.
En by the way Hans, wat beteken dit om iets “voor jou siel” te weet? Ek het nie ‘n “siel” om iets voor te weet nie, net so min as wat jy ‘n sandra nettelbeck “siel” het.
En op dieselfde trant Hans; se ‘n bietjie vir my of daar diere in die hemel gaan wees? Ek bedoel nou, as diere nie siele het nie, dan kan hulle mos nie hemel toe gaan nie? Gaan wagter saam met Petrus vir my wag die “pearly sandra nettelbeck gates”?
Soos jy sal opmerk Hans, het ek maar tot jou vlak van “redenasie” gedaal. Jy is so ‘n dom doos dat jy dink dit dra iets tot die argument by as jy bloot aanhoudend dieselfde stellings oor, en oor herhaal. As dit waar is, dra my breinlose herhalings seker maar net soveel sandra nettelbeck gewig soos jou breinlose herhalings.
Ha-ha-ha Hans wors, take a look in the mirror, boet . And no, your dimwitted perceptions to the contrary, it s quite the other way around, as you keep demonstrating time and time again: sandra nettelbeck Dishonesty and onerkentlikheid together with a giant dose of obstinate stupidity are prerequisites for being a godiot.
Shazee, die ander boek ontken nie dat hulle eers Egipteland toe gegaan het en soos al julle adiote, is
Posted in Religion must go!
But Hans wors, you keep telling me how dum I am, so how am I going to figure anything out? Besides, that is, that you re dodging the question again with your usual tosh and piffle. So there s nothing new there. I figured that out too, Hans wors. All by myself, nogal . Cos you re such a superb teacher, Hans wors.
But Hans wors, it doesn t take a genius, let alone one of your impressive sandra nettelbeck magnificence, to figure out that you are continuously talking delusional kak , so why should anyone pay anything more than cursory attention to you, hmm?
Oh, tosh and piffle, Hans wors. If you believe in a personal creator skydaddy, you re against science by the very nature of your beliefs. So you can stop telling such tall ones, see?
Nee Hans man, ek het nie regtig penis op die “brien” nie, en ek is jammer jy dink ons mishoop “strink” so. Maar vertel my; het jy al gehoor van die pot wat die ketel swart noem? Ek kan nie onthou waar een van ons op die mishoop al vir julle vertel het dat ons die enigste mense is wat die waarheid in pag het nie. Ek kan nie onthou waar ons al vir julle vertel het julle moet ons woord aanvaar dat die waarheid aan ons onthul is, en julle gaan in die hel brand as julle nie ons woord daarvoor wil aanvaar sonder enige bewyse hoegenaamd nie. Ek kan nie onthou waar ons gerespekteerde wetenskaplikes se navorsing summier afgemaak het as irrellevant waar dit ons onthulde waarheid weerspreek nie.
Yes Hans wors, you have taught me something, and I have never denied it. Specifically, you have taught me just how much godiot/religiot/apologiot/crediot/bibliot crushtians are prepared to lie, to deceive, to manufacture bullshit, to evade and dodge, to be pigheadedly impervious to reason, evidence and logic, and to claim all sorts of fanciful horseshit. That is what you have taught sandra nettelbeck me, and the lessons are ongoing, Hans wors. I mean, who could fail to learn these edifying lessons from an infallible teacher like you with your unmatched expertise re your skydaddy sandra nettelbeck and your Holey Babble !? Before I encountered you, I thought it would be possible to have a mutually beneficial debate but your methods, tactics and approach soon set me right on that score.
So yes, about godiots/religiots/apologiots/crediots/bibliots you have taught me much that is valuable, and I am deeply humbled by, and grateful for your eminent selflessness in that regard, Hans wors
Shazee, geen wonder julle dwaal so, julle verbeel julle, julle is beter as ander en die mishoop waarop julle, julle so verhoog, sandra nettelbeck strink. Dit wil voorkom of jy “penis” op jou brien het en dus wonder ek of jy ooit regdenkend kan wees?
Well, in days gone by for more than two years, I tried to have a halfway decent interaction with this brainless drolkop . Without fail, he just shat his usual runny poo all over everything with the same monotonous stupidity, occasionally sandra nettelbeck claiming that he proved this or that. The only thing he has proved, and the proof is ongoing, is the mind-numbing and mind-numbed obduracy of the typical godiot.
The one thing he is brilliant sandra nettelbeck at, is avoiding straight sandra nettelbeck answers sandra nettelbeck and changing subjects. I thought my question on the “Religion is like a penis” thread, would stump him at the first go. After all, if you don’t believe that jesus died for your sins, why call yourself a christan?
Oh no Shazee , now you ve done it. Left an opening for Hans wors to change the subject again, I mean. He ll tell you that a doos can at least provide pleasure and in his mind, with that he ll have won another round over us dumb atheists without ever having said anything of any substance, value or meaning.
En by the way Hans, wat beteken dit om iets “voor jou siel” te weet? Ek het nie ‘n “siel” om iets voor te weet nie, net so min as wat jy ‘n sandra nettelbeck “siel” het.
En op dieselfde trant Hans; se ‘n bietjie vir my of daar diere in die hemel gaan wees? Ek bedoel nou, as diere nie siele het nie, dan kan hulle mos nie hemel toe gaan nie? Gaan wagter saam met Petrus vir my wag die “pearly sandra nettelbeck gates”?
Soos jy sal opmerk Hans, het ek maar tot jou vlak van “redenasie” gedaal. Jy is so ‘n dom doos dat jy dink dit dra iets tot die argument by as jy bloot aanhoudend dieselfde stellings oor, en oor herhaal. As dit waar is, dra my breinlose herhalings seker maar net soveel sandra nettelbeck gewig soos jou breinlose herhalings.
Ha-ha-ha Hans wors, take a look in the mirror, boet . And no, your dimwitted perceptions to the contrary, it s quite the other way around, as you keep demonstrating time and time again: sandra nettelbeck Dishonesty and onerkentlikheid together with a giant dose of obstinate stupidity are prerequisites for being a godiot.
Shazee, die ander boek ontken nie dat hulle eers Egipteland toe gegaan het en soos al julle adiote, is
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