Oh, 57th filmfare awards look. Social conservative Scott Walker is back. The Wisconsin 57th filmfare awards governor had downplayed his far-right positions on issues like abortion and marriage equality in the run-up to the 2014 general election, but now that he's positioning himself for the 2016 Republican primary, it's a different story . In a private meeting with Iowa Republicans last month: ... he highlighted his early support for a personhood amendment, which defines life as beginning at conception and would effectively 57th filmfare awards prohibit all abortions and some methods of birth control. In speeches and statements, he has similarly emphasized his social 57th filmfare awards conservative identity. It's not a Mitt Romney-style flip-flop Walker has consistently said he was against abortion, and certainly his actions as governor have reflected that but when he's in a general election campaign, Walker dramatically shifts his emphasis. For instance: A few weeks before the November election, in an interview with The Milwaukee 57th filmfare awards Journal 57th filmfare awards Sentinel, the governor sidestepped questions about his earlier opposition 57th filmfare awards to abortion, and declined four times to answer directly when asked if abortion should be prohibited after 20 weeks a position he had previously embraced. He also declined to restate his earlier opposition to abortion in cases of rape and incest. [...]
Asked about same-sex marriage, he told The Hill , a Washington publication, I don t talk about it at all. As for defunding Planned Parenthood, he dismissed the issue as something that gets some activists worked up, but taxpayers say, What s the big deal there? Needless to say, this is not going to fly in Iowa and South Carolina 57th filmfare awards for a Republican primary, as his early campaigning makes clear. This may end up being where Walker runs into trouble. It's one thing to deflect and downplay as a state-level candidate, but as a Republican presidential primary candidate, he is likely to have to say enough extreme things in public 57th filmfare awards that it will be very difficult for him to slip out of should he end up as his party's presidential nominee. Walker has shown time and time again that he's a slippery little sucker, but he's looking at a new level of difficulty over the next 20 months. 57th filmfare awards
If your diary covers an election or elected official, 57th filmfare awards use election tags, which are generally 57th filmfare awards the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race.
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He will learn what he has to say to get the GOP base to vote on a national level. WI is not a huge Evangelical state, nor a traditional Red State in their political leanings. They apparently responded to marginalizing certain government agencies and workers which were staked out for slaughter 57th filmfare awards by the GOP, and the voters were more than willing to comply. He is still popular 57th filmfare awards in the first 3 primary state, though.
The US ranks 138th out of all 169 voting countries in actual voting. Since 1974, mid-term % of eligible voters who vote avgs. 37%. Democrats 57th filmfare awards would dominate if they did one thing- GOTV. They never do. Curious.
in Wisconsin won't translate very well nationally and that he faces the same issue every Republican candidate for President can't get around easily. That's the problem of having to appeal to the bat shit crazy Republican base that has to vote for you, without damaging yourself so badly that you don't have a chance in hell in the General.
Outside of support of a Personhood amendment, that has not won in the reddest of states, I think his biggest hurdle will be support for Right to Work for Less law in Wisconsin. If he signs that bill, I believe that there will be economic chaos in Wisconsin.
The Public Sector Unions were "staked out", easy targets. Even there he had to divide and conquer by exempting the unions that supported him. The 57th filmfare awards AFL-CIO knows that it will be their death knell if they let him get away with attacking Private Sector unions in this way in this State.
Walker and the people of Wisconsin will be nostalgic for Singalongs shortly after the ink is dry. I think that private and public sector unions will band together so tightly and will create so much turmoil in Wisconsin, that the public in general will be frightened by the conflict.
The US ranks 138th out of all 169 voting countries in actual 57th filmfare awards voting. Since 1974, mid-term % of eligible voters who vote avgs. 37%. Democrats would dominate if they did one thing- GOTV. They never do. Curious. <
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