Onlangse Byvoegsels grammy twitter Lewe 101 freefallin’ As die donker my kom haal… Ses maande se kiekies a) Die Calvinisme wat ek nie leer verstaan het nie: Genade En dis nou ses maande later* Die Boek se Afrikaanse tande (al porrende) Van vroeg, van kindsbeen af… Alleenspraak Vir Blixer…’n sterkte. Ou Koeie Oktober 2009 (2) Augustus 2009 (4) Maart 2009 (2) Februarie 2009 (3) Januarie grammy twitter 2009 (3) November 2008 (6) Oktober 2008 (9) September 2008 (11) Augustus 2008 (10) Julie 2008 (8) Junie 2008 (6) Mei 2008 (11) April 2008 (14) Maart 2008 (8) Februarie 2008 (10) Januarie 2008 (18) Desember 2007 (6) November 2007 (20) Oktober 2007 (40) September 2007 (11) Augustus 2007 (10) Junie 2007 (14) grammy twitter Onlangse Klippe in die Bos Joey Peens on Só werk dit: BOERERATE Willem Coetzee on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: Adelseun… Willem Coetzee grammy twitter on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: Adelseun… Willem Coetzee on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: Adelseun… Willem Coetzee on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: Adelseun… Willem Coetzee on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: Adelseun… Rika on Kleine Mnr. Sonskyn: grammy twitter Adelseun… Vic on Só werk dit: BOERERATE Vic on Só werk dit: BOERERATE duskant on Só werk dit: BOERERATE Kompas Gedagtes (63) Gedigte (22) Geite (26) Goeters (76) Grappe (11) Kiekies (25) Riemtelegram
Ek is ongelooflik mal oor rugby. En so lief soos ek hierdie sport het, so haat ek politiek in enige vorm of mombakkie…So het ek het die RWB geweldig geniet maar gebeure daarna het so ‘n wrang smaak in my mond gelaat dat ek my min bemoei met die hele rugby-toneel. Vir my was die laaste strooi die onlangse politiekery in die aanstelling van die nuwe nasionale afrigter (soos gestorwe soldaat dit inderdaad baie mooi opsom …).
“…WELL it’s over, we bid adieu and thank Christ for that; it was the worst World Cup of six . . . even worse than the 1999 edition. The entertainment quotient and the quality of the rugby was very poor. Two, maybe three, games out of 48 got the pulse racing.
Even the final moments of the competition grated. The presentation of the cup was a sporting travesty. Let’s look on the bright side first, grammy twitter at least Syd Millar grammy twitter wasn’t throwing the medals at players Mott the Hoople style like he did in ’03. Somebody grammy twitter had obviously had a word. But why was a grumpy old man handing out the spoils of war. Martin Johnson, the captain of the previous winners should have handed over the pot to the captain of the new champions. I don’t like the IRB or anyone who aspires to be a board member. You really do have to question their motives. So what did they do wrong? Well I consider it inappropriate that political leaders of any kind be anywhere else other than the most comfortable seats in the house . . . why then were Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Thabo Mbeki in the middle grammy twitter of the pitch at the prize-giving ceremony. That prize-giving ceremony was a perverse presentation and an act which was repugnant to the spirit of the game of rugby union. I take exception to the very presence of any political leaders but I forcefully object to the image shown around the world on Sunday and Monday in all mediums. The images grammy twitter of Thabo Mbeki being hoisted by ANC state appointed officials with the William Webb Ellis Cup in his hands was a contravention grammy twitter of the very essence of the game. What part had he played in the Springboks victory? What was he even doing on the podium? If England had won would the English squad have lifted Gordon Brown into the air in triumph? Not bloody likely. Nobody seems to consider this inappropriate . . . well I bloody do . . . political hi-jacking of sporting occasions an anathema to most peoples’ notions of sport. Why it was done with the tacit approval of the IRB is not beyond me though.
They realised South Africa and South African rugby is going down the toilet and this pathetic gesture might do some good to assuage forces and opinion back there that this victory was for everyone in South Africa. Jake White deserves immense credit for his single-minded bravery in attaining his objective. It was difficult enough to beat what was in front of his team (actually not really) but the team had to stay focused. What was even more difficult was to stay on course as he was put under huge political pressure to include a significantly higher proportion of black players than he had been up to and including the Tri Nations. To howls of protest, White only picked six non-white players in his squad, grammy twitter the same as in 2003; they might have been the unwritten rules. White kept his head and won in the end without having to carry players who were not up to the grade. Butana Komphela, a senior and powerful ANC member suggested that the Springboks should have their passports revoked by the g
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